CPN Resources
• Student Resources Database
(Jobs, Funding, Field Schools, Workshops, Conferences, etc.)
Below is a list of resources compiled and maintained by the CPN student panel. Use the tabs at the bottom of this embedded google spreadsheet to explore job opportunities, funding opportunities, field schools, workshops/short courses, conferences, and open access resources. Click here for more information about the student panel.
Do you know about something you think we should add? Use the button below to contribute info about a resource.
To view the database in a new window as a google spreadsheet, click here.
• Newsletters (select images below to access PDFs)
• Conservation Connections Virtual Panel
The Conservation Connections Virtual Panel in May 2022, hosted by the CPN student panel, highlighted the work of early career researchers. This panel provided students and others interested in conservation careers with an opportunity to learn and ask questions directly to panelists. Click the button below for a video recording of the panel and the Q&A session, and illustrations of the event by Mark Simmons.

• Conservation Paleobiology R Tutorials
To facilitate interdisciplinary conservation work, CPN members have developed tutorials for R. These tutorials will cover various topics starting at an introductory level and aim to show students and scientists how to process geohistorical data. More infromation available on the website that shows how to use the cpnr package and how to start a tutorial. Developed and maintained by Gregor Mathes.
• CPN Blog
• CPN Webinars
• Resources to Support Social Justice and Antiracism (select links)
• Additional Resources
List of Mollusc Papers Authored by Underrepresented Minorities available here.
The Virtual Field – an educational website that creates and shares virtual teaching materials and events from field
stations, marine laboratories and other research or educational sites
around the world.
Evidence in Conservation Teaching: Applied Ecology Resources – a website with conservation education materials (powerpoint presentations) freely available for all to access.