Annual Meeting (Symposium) Panel
The Conservation Paleobiology Network will sponsor an annual meeting (Conservation Paleobiology Symposium). See the list below for general aims of the symposia. For more detailed information, click on the link below to access the symposium guidelines.
General Aims of the Conservation Paleobiology Symposia
• Annual symposia will support the aims of the CPN.
• The long-term goal is to establish a lasting framework for periodic meetings for conservation paleobiology which should provide fora to assist in the translation of historical and paleontological science to the conservation of global biodiversity.
• Fora should:
1) Facilitate connections amongst CPN members to develop research and applications of CPN themes.
2) Facilitate and report back on application of Conservation Paleobiology (CP) to modern conservation practice.
3) Help extend the network by building bridges among sub-disciplines and geographic areas that are not adequately represented in the CPN.
4) Support young researchers, scientists and policy makers, especially those from under-represented groups.
5) Generate information, based on evidence from evaluation activities, aimed at supporting the decision-making and learning processes of the CPN.
To view detailed guidelines for the Conservation Paleobiology Symposia, please click here.
Panel members

Paolo G. Albano Department of Palaeontology University of Vienna Annual Meeting Panel Member

Suzanne Birch Department of Anthropology Department of Geography University of Georgia Annual Meeting Panel Member

Jessica Blois School of Natural Sciences University of California, Merced Annual Meeting Panel Member

Katie Cramer Julie Ann Wrigley Institute of Sustainability Arizona State University Annual Meeting Panel Member

Molly Grace IUCN Species Conservation Success Task Force and Department of Zoology University of Oxford Annual Meeting Panel Member

Broc Kokesh Department of Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago Annual Meeting Student Representative

Rowan Lockwood Department of Geology College of William and Mary Annual Meeting Panel Member

Aaron O’Dea Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and University of Bologna Annual Meeting Panel Co-Chair

Catalina Pimiento Swansea University and University of Zurich Annual Meeting Panel Member

Erin E. Saupe Department of Earth Sciences University of Oxford Annual Meeting Panel Co-Chair

Daniele Scarponi BiGeA Department University of Bologna Annual Meeting Panel Member

Moriaki Yasuhara School of Biological Sciences University of Hong Kong Annual Meeting Panel Member

Martin Zuschin Department of Palaeontology University of Vienna Annual Meeting Panel Member